Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Ino ni Momo

'Ino ni Momo' is a popular song that is doing the rounds on most radio stations. Its a story of a guy that is married to an overweight woman and the video is quite comical.. Children can't help themselves as the hook is an easy catch. We'd be watching a serious discussion on Kenyan politics on telly and out of nowhere you'd here my son go 'ino ni momo' and a hilarious outburst of laughter will fill the air.

To most Africans, especially ladies, being big is considered being well nurtured and most people actually relate it to being healthy. This has been the case for years and it really requires a mind shift for one to get the truth of the matter. For some unfortunately it has taken illnesses like diabetes and high blood pressure for them to conceptualize and realize that all that weight is equal to all these ails. This 'big' bug has not been lost to the middle aged people, thirty something year old men are exploding with bulging tummies and their wives are following suit by upwardly changing their clothe sizes.

It is apparent that more and more people and being trapped into a lifestyle that is doing them more harm than good and yet for most of them this new found body mass is something they'd rather have than being lean and overall healthy. In fact I am surprised by the fact that some of the most learned persons who appear on our television screens show an increase in weight every time they do. In one particular case there's a lady who has added so much weight that she is having difficulty breathing.

Dida, a presidential candidate in Kenyan politics received quite a thrashing for a suggested dish ratio that he gave on national television. Even though his prescription was not a well rehearsed advert, his intentions and spirit were in the right place. Kenyans are not minding what they eat and the fact that they are not exercising  is truly costing them in high medical bills.

For one to change the way they look in regard to weight the first thing one should do is hate the extra weight and not themselves. Do not confuse the extra weight with yourself. Many people have done this and all it has led to is bouts of depression. By hating the weight you will start working towards eliminating it and getting back to a healthier you.

The next thing I commend you do is to make watching your weight a lifestyle and not something you do when you realize that you can't get into that nice suit that you love. The same way you watch both sides of the road before you cross is the same way you should think about what you are about to consume and its effects on your body. When you do this you will realize that you are making conscious decisions to avoid foods that are toxic to your health like soda, burgers, chips and sugar loaded chocolate bars.

If you were invited for a lunch at state house or any other high ranking place, the array of food that would be on display would be so appetizing but am sure that you'd not fill your plate to the full for reason only of appearing cultured and having etiquette. Use the same approach for all your meals. Reducing the portions of food you have been taking will go in shedding of those extra pounds that you have.

Most of us will scorn at the middle aged neighbor who out of the blues starts to jog every morning before he goes to work. Most ladies actually think that he has got a 'side dish', what is extra marital affairs in the common world. Nowadays it is proving more often than not that the 'side dish' is his doctor, who has slapped him with news of an onset of diabetes or high blood pressure. Exercise is good for everyone but ones should start with less strenuous activities and over time work yourself up.

There are so many activities out there that one can be involved with that will ensure that your body sweats and you burn some calories. You can jog, walk, cycle, do aerobics, use stairs instead of elevators, throw basketball hoops, play soccer with your kids and if not just kick a ball around.

A point to consider is that by overeating you actually reduce your energy levels. You tend to lie around doing nothing and your stamina is always low.

Kenyans, let us be different from the world and let us consume less but our let our productivity be high.


Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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