Tuesday, 14 May 2013

From the bath

I am in the bathroom ready to take a bath. Am not at home for am visiting a friend and though there’s a shower which I’d prefer, it only has cold water and thus the bath. It’s not one in a bathtub, the kind that you soak your skin in sweet scented bubbly water. No, it’s a smaller basin I’m using which most people will use for hand laundry. If you live in a third world country you know the kind that I’m referring to. It’s what we use.  Nowadays most people host it up a stool or a wooden structure specifically made for it to avoid crouching or stooping while bathing. 

I get busy dapping and scrubbing my body with soap and in the process the water gets all filled with suds. As I wait a bit for the soap to work its magic on my skin I start to notice that the suds have made small circular floats each distinct in size. The suds are not static and there’s movement all over as the tiny bubbles burst and the bigger suds become smaller and smaller. What is interesting is that this bursting of bubbles is making the suds move around in circles and what I’m witnessing in is like a small universe with all forms of activity all in a bathing basin.  

Interestingly enough the suds are not bumping into each other as I would have thought they would and I notice it is their  disintegration that is causing this for the  small soapy particles are moving away from the main suds creating  a cushion that prevents them  from being hit by the other surrounding suds. Eventually the suds became smaller and smaller and what all you can see is the water before you becoming still without movement and without the interesting characters, the suds. 

While am not in any way suggesting that God made the universe while bathing because I have seen some very interesting interpretations out there, it made me think.  If God sees the whole universe like the spread of the suds in a basin and our earth is just one of the suds that are floating on the big spread of water and there’s a lot of activity on it. As the bursting bubbles, the earth is metamorphosing every day. Men die and others are born. Lakes die and some new ones are made and the earth still goes round and round and in so doing the earth gets nearer and nearer to its end. 

God gave us the earth to live in and he mentions in writing that there was a beginning and there’s going to be an end. Some people don’t believe this and they deny that there is even the existent of any God. That does not disqualify the fact that there is one and the fact that what God says will happen upon the earth has to happen.  

As I write this there’s a nagging fly that keeps buzzing around me. I’d wish to zap it and that would be the end of it and nobody would ask me the questions why I ‘murdered’ it. I remember that it has only seven days to live and to me that is a short life and maybe I should allow it to enjoy the rest of it. Maybe it’s a teenager fly on its second day or a young adult on its third day on the face of the earth and that’s why it has so much energy going round and round in circles and making all the noise.  Men are like flies too, God has given us a limited time on the face of the earth  and sometimes we’d rebel and make so much noise to Him and He has every right to ‘zap’ us and nobody would question him but he has lets us live so far. The only difference is that He has opened to us the secrets of life by giving intellect and foreknowledge and by so doing he expects us to live our lives recognizant of the repercussion of any action we take and whatever we choose to believe.  Our man years may seem like eternity but to God there like the years of a fly; short.

It took me fifteen minutes to bath and for all I know that could be the life cycle of a certain organism on the water that I was using to bath in. Maybe it was enjoying it self not knowing that life was ebbing away and soon the bath water will all go to the drain. If God says to mankind that He is the one that created the universe and all that is in it then HE is the one the one that did it. If He says that there is a way that we can live that would determine if He considers us for later life after this ‘bath water’ is drained then I have to seek and follow that way for in me there’s the natural instinct to survive. If He says that Jesus Christ is the only way the truth and the life, then who am I to say no to that knowledge for I am but an organism hanging on suds in the bath water and he is the one who put me there in the first place for His Glory.

Jesus Christ born in the original intent that God purposed for man was one of us, a man yet God qualifies him and says he is the only one who has followed his way. He informs us to follow the way Christ follows and that would lead us to him. Resurrection is the proof; resurrection, not by an act done by another man as Jesus did for Lazarus but by an act of self. He resurrected alone in a tomb and walked out and was seen by His disciples and by others in Jerusalem. He later ascended in full view of men qualifying that there is a way out of death and a way out of this world. Qualifying that there is another place for human kind to go for he did not ascend into nothingness. 

I would wish that you would find in him the answers to life and in Him live.


Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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