When you look at candle what you actually see is a piece of wax covering a string. There is no actual ‘candle’ unless when the two elements are brought together for such. The candle actually becomes a candle when a flame is set upon the wick and thence the candle takes over. It’s a synergy of those two elements to bring light.
Purpose thus is the intent of something. Some will say it is what that something is created for.
Most people today are living without the knowledge of their actual purpose. They eat because they have to survive. They work to buy food, to get a place to stay, to entertain themselves and all these are things they do because they have to or because society expects them to.
Finding our purpose begins with the finding out the purpose of mankind. Man is a minute part of the whole creation of God which covers all micro-organisms, living and non –living things like stones and soil up to the wider universe which we have not yet been able to map.
According to the book of Genesis the sole purpose of man is to ‘take care’ of what God has created. So we can safely say that man is the caretaker of the universe. He is supposed to make all things work for the good of His creation.
As there are numerous responsibilities in the job description of the ‘caretaker’, we are given the mandate to increase in population so as to be able to fully undertake all the responsibilities. Some people then take care of other people and here we have doctors, nurses, teachers, farmers and everyone who is does something for the benefit of other humans. Others work for the good of the environment and we have scientists, foresters, conservationists etc. Others tell us the extent of God’s creation and we have also research scientists, astronomers, geologists and the like. There are numerous professions as there are people.
As individuals we are made with the capability of becoming anything we want and all the faculties of becoming such are embedded in us. Sometimes we may think we are disadvantaged because we lack the expediency of grasping some issues in comparison to others but man is made with the capability to learn. Others do take longer time than others but if one so desired to know something; they will find out that eventually they are able to perform it.
That said, we do form inclinations from an early age and we tend to be excited by some faculties and bored with others. We might make the mistake of thinking that because we are bored by such faculties, we are weak in them but the reality is that we don’t intend to give them more of our time than what we have preferred.
The inclination towards certain faculties is usually due external influence and mainly by those we associate with e.g. our parents, media, teachers, elder relatives and the like. We then form particular interests towards such faculties like music, the arts, medicine, law, to name just but a few.
When we then identify our inclinations we put emphasis in the study of such and that’s why even in our education systems we have choice of subject specialization when we get to a certain age.
Even though we can do all things, there will be no need of doing something that does not give you satisfaction.
Purpose thus becomes purpose when we direct our energy to a certain role and we get satisfaction from it. It also becomes purpose when we are recognized for what we do. The later may not always happen but it does not negate the fact that humans are made with the urge of being recognized and appreciated. If at all one is not recognized but is still pursuing what he/she believes is their purpose in life, the urge to continue does not diminish.
For a Christian there are several steps then one has to take for one to identify their purpose in life. The number one step is to seek God’s guidance. Without getting closer to God, we cannot really know what we are supposed to be doing on this earth. We get close to God by reading His word and by prayer.
Secondly we have to do self-examination of all the things that bring us joy. Someone once said that in the search for your purpose it is good to stop and start by simple acts of giving. If you can find time to share with people who are less priviledge. Giving or sharing is the simplest act that every God fearing soul gets satisfaction from. This is because it rhymes with the purpose of every man, which is to take care of God’s creation. If you find out that you are not happy in giving then start with self. For you can only love others as you love yourself.
Whatever you will be inclined to pursue in life, should be done with the question; ‘How am I going to benefit God’s creation by doing this?’ If you do not get an answer to this then know that you are either working selfishly, that is, for self-gratification or you are merely existing and not living. Your purpose in life should be seen as the opportunity to give, to take care of God’s creation.
As Christians our sole purpose is to obey God’s commands. We get gratification and satisfaction by knowing that we are walking in God’s ways. By first amending our lives to seek and follow God we start the journey into realizing what we are here for.
Once we are on our way we ask for guidance and through self-examination we identify our strengths and weaknesses. We pursue our strengths as we also work on our weaknesses and from this we become complete, lacking nothing. As a candle our purpose is brought forth by the flame that is the Word of God.
We cannot tell you what your purpose is, we can only guess by the attributes and tendencies that you portray. You alone can find out what you are meant to be in this world. You will know it because whatever it is will be aligned to God’s will, which is to give to his creation.
Only you can light your own candle. Only you can get rid of a darkness in this world that's awaiting for the sparkle of your light.
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