Saturday, 11 January 2014


“Who knows what He’s up to. You all know about the storms on this sea, if we are not going over to the other side Now! We are stuck on this side for the weekend". Probably the last words before the disciples decided to cut their losses and leave Jesus on the other side of the sea. 

Jesus is not the kind of man who will do just the ordinary; he goes outside the box and does some really amazing stuff. Things people only read in stories.  Jesus popped right there in their time and awed them and no one could really figure him out.

He doesn't follow all the rules and all the laws don't work on Him for meeting with Jesus is like meeting with the star in a sci-fi movie!  Some of this people did not understand the opportunity that they had of being able to observe and see on their streets the full capability of mankind.  The top most level of humanity. The sparkle of man. Christ!

Many did not understand Him and those in power feared Him for in Him they saw a competitor.  His disciples didn’t quite understand Him but they really wanted to be like Him. He lived without fear. 

And so it is that in life we do sometimes meet people who do not fit into the description of the ordinary man and more often than not instead of accommodating we shun and label them.  Jesus showed us that we can share life, we can share food and we can even share hope. 

Christ’s message is about freedoms. It is about love and not about exercise of  restraint to those who have accepted the way of God. Jesus message is about going to the other level. It is moving from one frontier to another but some people fight everything that they do not understand even if it is for their own good and that was so when they crucified Him.

But little did they know that what is earmarked for good cannot turn to bad in its death, it is hence that good and death met and death was defeated! For good is as light and death is from sin and is darkness. 

There is never even a whisper when light conquers darkness but those who celebrate in it are in their billions. Those who benefit from Christ's death and resurrection will be as many and with as many varied testimonies.

Following someone who you believe in as your role model dictates that you are actually becoming more like them with every passing day.  You do not become without practice and practice is by emulating. Most of us give up and quit trying and even quit believing so when someone else does,  they get slammed. 

Remember when the waves were crushing and slamming on the disciple’s boat, Jesus decides to come across sea on foot and lo and behold! The disciples were still there, they were moving yes, but they hadn't arrived yet! And they were amazed that He was walking on water and had caught up with them.

Peter even asks if he can join in and Jesus knowing this is for everyone tells him “Yes”. The guy walks a few steps and stumbles then starts to sink.  He was not up to it but he did it in those few steps then Jesus had to hold him up.

Everyone is created with the same but also varying capabilities that are sometimes beyond our comprehension and we are left wondering " How did he do that?! and that’s just how God is. We have to give each other a chance to shine so that everyone can marvel at what everyone else has.  
Love allows us to see the extraordinary in everyone.


Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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