“Can anything good come from Nazareth?’ was not just mudslinging but a
perception that many had come to believe as true.
Nazareth was a town whose name means ‘set aside’ or ‘crowned’. It also
means branched out. There is the branching out from the norm, setting aside
something that is done by ordinary people so as to achieve a higher order of
self. The simplest form of an act of a Nazarene is fasting.
Historically residents of this town were people from across Israel and
beyond who had taken an oath of commitment to God by having a sign upon them of
either uncut hair, exclusive non-drinkers of alcohol, non-involvement in sexual
sin or any other sin. The oath of commitment varied according to one’s
weaknesses. These were the olden day monks.
This commitment over time had proved unfruitful in the eyes of many
who had come to question the purpose of it all.
Samson is the guy best illustrating the life of a Nazarene. Under instruction
he is under obligation not to cut his hair and as long as he does, he remains
strong and helps the Israelites in war.
Jesus was a Nazarene by residency but during his life He defied the
characteristics of any Nazarene by indulging with people who were considered
‘sinners’ and alcoholics. Many tried to find out what his calling was all about
by trying to find out what he had refrained from.
Jesus took his disciples to houses that many ‘godly’ people would not
dare enter. They entered the houses of tax collectors which are the equivalent
of corrupt policemen’s houses. He also was seen in the company of prostitutes
for some frequented his ‘friend’s premises.
If your pastor suddenly became friends with known corrupt policemen
and started visiting them in their
houses and partying with them, it would not only raise eyebrows but also be a cause for alarm.
Jesus was born the Messiah. All
the pointers were there but the environments were not adding up. He was born a commoner;
his father a blue collar artisan who would be considered a ‘nobody’ by the high
and mighty of any civilisation. His mom was a naïve teenager who was just happy
to be of service in God’s plan. To add insult to injury, here was Jesus in the
company of sinners and drinking with them.
For any religious man, who lived in the times of Christ it would have
been hard to understand Jesus. The ones who understood Him were people who
operated in higher love. For Christ proved it true that sometimes what we
consider ‘unfit’ may turn out to be the most important of all things.
We are not at all different from people in the days of Jesus. If Jesus
was to pop up in our society today, many would not know Him and others will
again condemn Him.
‘Committed to what?!” we would rant and that would be that for us.
The story of Christ is about ‘resolve’. It’s about making a commitment
to be more pleasing to God. It starts with knowing oneself and extends and
transforms to being what God says about you. It’s about reaching out to God with
expectation of receiving help.
The world is full of hate and selfishness and Christ message is about
changing the rotation of the system from clockwise to anticlockwise. It’s about
unleashing the power of love.
When you start operating in love you automatically are resolved to
expressing it. A judge who starts questioning every action that you aim to
perform is born in you. This judge is the voice of the Holy Spirit which starts
operating in you and soon people start noticing that you are different.
Love dictates that if you err you receive forgiveness because the one
you are looking up to is full of love.
Love starts with self and if there is anything that is
self-destructing in your life, you learn to let go and stick to what is of
benefit to you. Concurrently you consider what benefits others and in your relative
ability you do it. Therein lays God’s perfect love.
In every area of our lives we can tell of the politicians, doctors,
teachers, parents, neighbours and anyone who operates in love and their
distinction from the rest of people is elaborate.
Being a Nazarene is about love. Loving God first, loving self and
loving others. Being a Christian hence is being a Nazarene for you commit to be
more like Christ.
Jesus came from Nazareth appeared to go contrary to his origins but on
the cross those who observed him could have as well have exclaimed ‘Surely he
is from Nazareth’ for there he was crowned and crucified.
He had given up his own life.
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