Monday, 9 June 2014

Mankind Reloaded

When God created man, he created him different from the other animals. When it came time for creating man, God said, “let us make man in our own image” and thus man was created with all the attributes of God as are in the names of God. 

Man was a complete being yet on earth he did not find comfort in any of the animals that surrounded him that God had made and it made God to do a separation by putting man into deep sleep as a surgeon would, and from man he made woman. Therefore it is the union of the both man and woman that we have the complete ‘mankind’.

When they were in the garden, the woman proved to be the weaker partner and through her we see sin entering ‘mankind’. The male ‘mankind’ cannot feign innocence because it is a part taken from him that responds to the temptation of rebellion which is sin.  If woman had not been taken apart from him, he would still have sinned for ‘woman’ would still have been inside him. 

With this understanding God sends them afar from his favour and presence which is depicted by the Garden of Eden, and they go out unto the world to fend for themselves. 

Mankind also attracted death by their act, for sin attracts death. How? Any being that rebels against itself is destroying itself. Man had the Spirit of God operating inside him yet he doubted himself and believed in a lie.

Mankind lived for some time experiencing the effects of his rebellion until God desired for them to comprehend what sin is. God introduced the law and commanded man to observe it. Those who observed it received blessings but those who failed received curses.  

There came then a distinction of a people who adhered to God's instructions and those who did not. The Jewish people believed in God and tried as much to adhere to these set of instructions. Throughout the generations of man, no single man was able to observe the laws of God to the full and therefore able to escape death until Christ. 

Christ knew who He was, the son of God and when men perceived Christ’s boldness when he claimed that he was equal to God they described to him the ultimate test by crucifying him until he died. 

There is the understanding that God is eternal because there is no sin in him and death is a result of sin. If Christ had died and not resurrected, then there was no way he could have been righteous but when he resurrected it became obvious that he did not harbour sin. 

From this test, Christ proved to be as man was before sin entered into the world, that is,  as Adam before the act of rebellion. The spirit which operated in Christ that made him act in righteousness is the Spirit of God which is also the Holy Spirit.

Why then did he die if he was without sin?

God’s plan had never been to do away with mankind after the fall but to educate him of the presence and effects of his rebellion by introducing His laws. He wanted man to understand the depth of his actions. When it was evident to mankind that no man was capable of following God’s commands to the letter without the Holy Spirit operating inside him, He brought Christ his righteous son, who lived among the rest of ‘sinful’ mankind. The son has the same attributes as the Father as described by the names of God and as was Adam before the fall. 

When the 'unrighteous' men planned to kill Christ, He knew and He willingly agreed to pursue the path taken by all sinful men and in so doing took ‘sin’ upon himself. 

He died, which is being inactive from the physical body and for two days He existed active in the spirit so as to regain for the rest of mankind the attributes of the Father. On the third day he resurrected, for death is an attribute of sinners and His spirit was holy so death could not hold him any longer. 

He now had power over sin and therefore authority over its attributes including death. Those who acknowledge Christ make Him Lord or master over their lives. That authority over death is now bestowed upon those who believe and acknowledge Christ as the ‘man’ who acquired that lost glory.

The Church as the Bride

By recognizing a fellow man as the restorer of authority and lost glory, we who believe in Christ depict our  ‘femininity’ in that we declare that we are incomplete without Christ in the same way mankind is incomplete without the male and female man.

The church is therefore the bride of Christ that waits to be adjoined to its groom when he will be revealed, who made it pure and righteous through an act of selflessness. 

Mankind received death while being apart, that is, being in two entities, man and woman. 

As Adam had to be put into a 'deep sleep' for the woman to be pulled from within him, in reverse Christ had to die (deep sleep) so that all who believe in Him would be embedded back to him so as to receive life. 

The second coming of Christ is the celebration of this union.  The body of believers, which is the church, will celebrate for they have waited in earnest for his return. The first coming was a declaration of interest (while we were yet in sin) and payment of the bride price which was his death; the second coming is on the wedding day for He is alive for He resurrected.
Who can be saved?

Because we have understood that no man is able to fully follow the laws of God and everyone falls short in some way, we know that there is no greater man when we are compared against each other using that law. So it is apparent that everyone needs Christ so as to regain the position which God had made ‘mankind’ to exist in when He created him.

Everyone on earth is therefore a potential candidate for Christ's grace and salvation. 

IT is sad though that many have chosen not to agree with this truth and most believe that there are many ways to attain this pre-sin, Adamic position but no one else through history has died righteous and while advocating for the freedom of the rest of mankind from the curse of sin. 

Christ is the sole redeemer and all it takes is acknowledgement of this fact. Those who declare Christ as Lord and believe in their hearts are therefore saved. Not because they have been of good moral standing but just because they believe. 

Once we are saved, are there greater men than others?

When we accept Christ, we become one with Him we therefore formulate a part in His body. We are given particular position and job so as to make sure that the body is functioning in full synergy. What makes this possible is respect towards fellow believers with the knowledge that infighting is equal to the first sin of rebellion. First to God and to second to self.

Paul, who wrote most books in the New Testament, puts it nicely. We are members of one body and some are the feet, some the hands, some the eyes and so on. One part of the body cannot boast of being important than the other for when that part is missing, that body cannot be termed as to be ‘complete’ regardless of its ‘assumed’ importance. Those who think then that they are important should be the ones who are most humble because of this understanding. 

How will life be after Christ’s return?

Any woman who has been in marriage for a while will testify that no one ever really knows how marriage experiences will be like until you go through it. These are uncharted waters but what we know is that Christ being as the father, would lead us to a life that is not only pleasant but also fulfilling. In the Garden of Eden we are able to see a glimpse of that life, where there’s supernatural providence and peaceful co-existence of all God’s creation but the word of God clearly says that no person has ever seen nor even heard what God has prepared for those that He loves.


Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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